ME 305 Group 6 Documentation
Functions | Variables File Reference

Manages the states for the User Interface task. More...


def taskUser_02.printLegend_02 ()
 Prints the available user key commands to the console. More...
def taskUser_02.taskUserFcn_02 (str task_name, int period, shares_02.Share_02 zFlag, shares_02.Share_02 pFlag, shares_02.Share_02 dFlag, shares_02.Share_02 gFlag, shares_02.Share_02 sFlag, shares_02.Share_02 dataPrint)
 Main task function to control UI states. More...


 taskUser_02.S0_INIT = micropython.const(0)
 taskUser_02.S1_CMD = micropython.const(1)
 taskUser_02.S2_ZERO = micropython.const(2)
 taskUser_02.S3_PRINT = micropython.const(3)

Detailed Description

Manages the states for the User Interface task.

Manages the current state and executes state-related logic for all User Interface functionality. Cycles through states for processing input, zeroing encoder position, and printing output.

Caleb Savard
Chris Linthacum
February 2, 2022

Function Documentation

◆ printLegend_02()

def taskUser_02.printLegend_02 ( )

Prints the available user key commands to the console.

Prints a table of available user input commands to the console to preview the available user key commands.

◆ taskUserFcn_02()

def taskUser_02.taskUserFcn_02 ( str  task_name,
int  period,
shares_02.Share_02  zFlag,
shares_02.Share_02  pFlag,
shares_02.Share_02  dFlag,
shares_02.Share_02  gFlag,
shares_02.Share_02  sFlag,
shares_02.Share_02  dataPrint 

Main task function to control UI states.

Manage different User Input states, including Init, Read_Cmd, Zero_Encoder, and Print_Data. On function run, executes the logic of the current state and if appropriate shifts state for next run of function.

task_nameTask name for the function to help with debugging
periodPeriod to run execute function at. Period defines frequency that states are executed and refreshed.
zFlagShared data object to encapsulate the z key being pressed. Signals that encoder should be zeroed.
pFlagShared data object to encapsulate the p key being pressed. Signals to print the encoder position.
dFlagShared data object to encapsulate the d key being pressed. Signals to print the encoder delta.
gFlagShared data object to encapsulate the g key being pressed. Signals to begin data collection.
sFlagShared data object to encapsulate the s key being pressed. Signals to end data collection prematurely.
dataPrintShared data object to store the recorded encoder data. Stores both the position data and time values. @yield state If task ran, yields state the function is now in. If task did not evaluate, returns None.