ME 305 Group 6 Documentation
Functions | Variables File Reference

Manages the states for the User Interface task. More...


def taskUser_04.printLegend_04 ()
 Prints the available user key commands to the console. More...
def taskUser_04.printTestLegend_04 ()
 Prints the available user key commands in test interface to the console. More...
def taskUser_04.taskUserFcn_04 (str task_name, int period, shares_04.Share_04 zFlag, shares_04.Share_04 pFlag, shares_04.Share_04 dFlag, shares_04.Share_04 vFlag, shares_04.Share_04 duty1, shares_04.Share_04 duty2, shares_04.Share_04 cFlag, shares_04.Share_04 gFlag, shares_04.Share_04 tFlag, shares_04.Share_04 sFlag, shares_04.Share_04 dataPrint, shares_04.Share_04 testData, shares_04.Share_04 target_val, shares_04.Share_04 prop_gain, shares_04.Share_04 cont_enable, shares_04.Share_04 input_signal)
 Main task function to control UI states. More...


 taskUser_04.S0_INIT = micropython.const(0)
 Maps state 0 to a more readable name.
 taskUser_04.S1_CMD = micropython.const(1)
 Maps state 1 to a more readable name.
 taskUser_04.S2_ZERO = micropython.const(2)
 Maps state 2 to a more readable name.
 taskUser_04.S3_PRINT = micropython.const(3)
 Maps state 3 to a more readable name.
 taskUser_04.S4_INPUT = micropython.const(4)
 Maps state 4 to a more readable name.
 taskUser_04.S5_TEST = micropython.const(5)
 Maps state 5 to a more readable name.
 taskUser_04.S6_SRESP = micropython.const(6)
 Maps state 6 to a more readable name.

Detailed Description

Manages the states for the User Interface task.

Manages the current state and executes state-related logic for all User Interface functionality. Cycles through states for processing input, zeroing encoder position, and printing output.

Caleb Savard
Chris Linthacum
February 2, 2022

Function Documentation

◆ printLegend_04()

def taskUser_04.printLegend_04 ( )

Prints the available user key commands to the console.

Prints a table of available user input commands to the console to preview the available user key commands.

◆ printTestLegend_04()

def taskUser_04.printTestLegend_04 ( )

Prints the available user key commands in test interface to the console.

Prints a table of available user input commands to the console to preview the available user key commands in the testing interface.

◆ taskUserFcn_04()

def taskUser_04.taskUserFcn_04 ( str  task_name,
int  period,
shares_04.Share_04  zFlag,
shares_04.Share_04  pFlag,
shares_04.Share_04  dFlag,
shares_04.Share_04  vFlag,
shares_04.Share_04  duty1,
shares_04.Share_04  duty2,
shares_04.Share_04  cFlag,
shares_04.Share_04  gFlag,
shares_04.Share_04  tFlag,
shares_04.Share_04  sFlag,
shares_04.Share_04  dataPrint,
shares_04.Share_04  testData,
shares_04.Share_04  target_val,
shares_04.Share_04  prop_gain,
shares_04.Share_04  cont_enable,
shares_04.Share_04  input_signal 

Main task function to control UI states.

Manage different User Input states, including Init, Read_Cmd, Zero_Encoder, and Print_Data. On function run, executes the logic of the current state and if appropriate shifts state for next run of function.

task_nameTask name for the function to help with debugging
periodPeriod to run execute function at. Period defines frequency that states are executed and refreshed.
zFlagShared data object to encapsulate the z key being pressed. Signals that encoder should be zeroed.
pFlagShared data object to encapsulate the p key being pressed. Signals to print the encoder position.
dFlagShared data object to encapsulate the d key being pressed. Signals to print the encoder delta.
vFlagShared data object to encapsulate the v key being pressed. Signals to print the encoder velocity.
duty1Shared data object to store the duty cycle for motor 1.
duty2Shared data object to store the duty cycle for motor 2.
cFlagShared data object to encapsulate the c key being pressed. Signals to clear a motor fault.
gFlagShared data object to encapsulate the g key being pressed. Signals to begin data collection.
tFlagShared data object to encapsulate the t key being pressed. Starts the testing interface.
sFlagShared data object to encapsulate the s key being pressed. Signals to end data collection prematurely.
dataPrintShared data object to store the recorded encoder data. Stores both the position data and time values.
testDataShared data object to act as a flag to record avg velocity and to store the velocity data during testing.
target_valShared data object to hold the target velocity value
prop_gainShared data object to hold the proportional gain for the controllerTask
cont_enableShared data object to specificy whether closed-loop controller is enabled (True) or not
input_signalShared data object to store the encoder velocity @yield state If task ran, yields state the function is now in. If task did not evaluate, returns None.